Hola Middle School Social Studies students!
Has anyone been watching the Olympics? Did you catch the Opening Ceremony? For those of you who have been watching -- what is your favorite event to watch? Do you have a favorite athlete?
Leave any/all of these answers in a comment on this post and you'll get some extra credit points!
Looking for more extra credit?
-Turn in a current event write up related to the Olympics and gain even more extra credit. (Turn in no later than Monday, February 22nd. You can turn it in any time before that, including during Saturday tutoring) Email Ms. Michalak or see her in person if you have questions about the format.
6th Graders:
- You will need to turn in an *extra* CE in order to gain more bonus points.
- The answer to our class question from earlier today? The 2006 Winter Olympics were in fact held in Turin/Turino, Italy. Stay tuned for more Olympics trivia!