This extra credit opportunity is for ALL Social Studies classes!!
- This evening, President Obama will deliver his "State of the Union" address to Congress and the nation. If you are taking advantage of this extra credit opportunity, you need to watch the speech (it starts at 8pm and will be on all local news channels) and write the following on piece of looseleaf paper:
1) BEFORE the speech, tell me 3 things you think he will/should talk about and why.
2) At the beginning of and during the speech, write down 5 observations - about the room, people, outfits, reactions, protocol, etc.
3) During the speech, write down at least 3 things he actually DOES talk about.
4) After the speech, write down at least 2 questions you have or 2 opinions/things that stuck out to you (or a combination of both)
* Start time: 8pm local Chicago time
* Where to watch: ABC, NBC,, or a live stream on Hulu
* Due date for this assignment:
7th/8th grade: Due Thursday in class
6th grade: Due Friday in class
* If you have questions, post them here or email me at - I'll be checking my email during the speech and will get back to you as soon as I can!!