Thursday, April 7, 2011

8th Grade Extra Credit

As a part of our Modern Civil Rights Era unit, you have an opportunity for some extra credit. We are going to analyze a primary source using a method called APPARTS.

1) Read the document. You can find it HERE

2) In an email to me, or on a piece of looseleaf paper, fill in the following:
A - Author. Who created this document? Be specific.
P - Place and Time. When and where was it created?
P - Prior Knowledge. What do you already know about this time period?
A - Audience. Who is the intended audience of this document?
R - Reason. Why did the author create this document?
T - The main idea. What is the document about?
S - Significance. What is the lasting impact and effect of this document? SO WHAT? Why is it important?

If you have questions, see me! This assignment is due by Monday, April 11th.

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